Jessica Jordan

With Google being the leading search engine globally, any update to its search algorithm holds significant importance for websites striving to rank higher and gain more visibility. The September 2023 update from Google is no exception. This update introduces several changes that will directly impact SEO strategies and the way websites are ranked. 

In this article, we will discuss the details of Google’s September 2023 update and its implications for SEO professionals and website owners.

Understanding Google’s September 2023 Helpful Content Update 

Understanding Google's September 2023 Helpful Content Update

Google’s September update aims to improve the overall user experience by refining the search engine’s ability to deliver high-quality and relevant content. This update emphasizes factors such as website performance, content quality, and user engagement, which are crucial for a website’s success in search rankings. 

Google has always focused on providing the best user experience by delivering helpful and relevant content to searchers. In recent years, there has been a renewed emphasis on user-centric content, with Google’s algorithms prioritizing content that satisfies the intent and meets the needs of the searcher. This means that websites that provide high-quality, informative, and helpful content have a better chance of ranking well in search results. 

Google has encouraged website owners to prioritize mobile optimization and site speed to enhance the user experience. All of these efforts demonstrate Google’s focus on providing the most helpful and relevant content to its users.

Impact of the September 2023 Update on SEO

Impact of the September 2023 Update on SEO

The September 2023 update was one of the most anticipated algorithm changes from major search engines. It aimed to improve the quality and relevance of search results, with a particular focus on user experience. This update signaled a shift towards prioritizing websites that offer high-quality content, exceptional user engagement, and seamless mobile experiences.

One of the primary goals of the September 2023 update was to reward websites that provide genuine value to users. Search engines are becoming more sophisticated in assessing website quality, and factors such as user engagement, dwell time, and click-through rates are now given more weight in determining search rankings. This means that traditional SEO tactics, such as keyword stuffing or low-quality link building, are becoming less effective and could even result in penalties.

The September 2023 update has brought significant changes to the SEO landscape. To thrive in this new era of SEO, it is crucial to prioritize high-quality content, deliver exceptional user experiences, and adapt to mobile-first optimization. By staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and continuously refining your strategies, you can navigate the impact of the September 2023 update and ensure your website maintains its visibility and relevance in search engine results.

Strategies for Adapting to the New SEO Reality

Strategies for Adapting to the New SEO Reality

“Helpful content” refers to any content that provides valuable information, insights, or solutions to its target audience. It’s content that genuinely helps someone in some way, whether that be by answering their questions, solving their problems, or providing inspiration. Helpful content can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, social media posts, podcasts, and more.

The importance of helpful content for businesses cannot be overstated. In today’s digital age, consumers have access to a wealth of information and are increasingly selective about what they choose to consume. By creating helpful content, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors, build trust with their audience, and establish themselves as a credible authority in their industry.

Here are some tips for crafting helpful content that aligns with the update:

  1. Keyword research in the post-update era:

  1. Content depth and relevance:

  1. User-centric content creation:

  1. Stress the importance of multimedia elements in content:

Remember, while incorporating these tips, it’s important to create content that genuinely helps your audience. By focusing on their needs, providing depth and relevance, and incorporating multimedia elements, you can craft helpful content that resonates with your target audience and delivers value.

The Role of E-A-T in SEO Post-Update

The Role of E-A-T in SEO Post-Update

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a concept introduced by Google that has become increasingly important in SEO post-update. Google aims to provide users with high-quality and reliable information, and E-A-T factors play a significant role in determining the credibility and ranking of websites.


Here’s how E-A-T impacts SEO post-update:


To enhance E-A-T and improve SEO post-update, consider the following recommendations:



Remember, E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor, but it influences how search engines assess the quality and credibility of a website. By focusing on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, you can improve your website’s chances of ranking higher and gain trust from both search engines and users.

Content Auditing and Optimization

Content Auditing and Optimization

Content audits can help identify areas for improvement, such as updating meta descriptions or optimizing keyword usage. High-quality content that is regularly updated can help keep users engaged and coming back for more. Audits can help identify areas where additional content may be needed to improve the overall user experience. 

Assessing and improving the helpfulness of existing content is an essential part of any content strategy. This data can help you identify which content is resonating with users and which may need improvement. Observe user feedback: Gather feedback from your audience on which content is most helpful to them. Conduct a content audit: Review your existing content to assess its helpfulness. Make improvements: Based on your assessment, make changes and improvements to your content strategy. This may include creating new content to address gaps, refining existing content to be more helpful, or removing content that isn’t meeting user needs. Continuously monitor and refine: Regularly monitor user behavior and feedback to ensure that your content remains helpful and relevant over time. Refine your content strategy as needed to maintain ongoing engagement and satisfaction.

Continuous content optimization is vital for delivering an exceptional user experience, improving search engine visibility, staying competitive, driving conversions, making data-driven decisions, and adapting to evolving user needs. By investing in ongoing optimization efforts, you can continuously improve the performance and effectiveness of your content.


Google’s September 2023 update brings significant changes to the SEO landscape. Website owners and SEO professionals need to adapt their strategies to align with Google’s emphasis on website performance, content quality, user engagement, and mobile usability. By prioritizing these factors and implementing the recommended strategies, websites can position themselves favorably in search rankings and drive organic traffic. 

Here at SW Marketing and consulting we realize that SEO is an ongoing process, and staying up to date with search engine updates is vital for long-term success.