5 ways to grow your social media organically

Jessica Jordan

There are two ways on how you can grow your social media :


First is through organic reach.

Organic reach is the number of people who see your content without paid distribution.


Second is through Paid Advertisements.

Paid Advertisements means you have to pay for, versus owned or earned advertising.


Here are seven benefits to using paid social media advertising for your small business:

  • Amplify your reach

  • Fit any budget

  • Enhance your targeting

  • Boost brand awareness

  • Maximize your content marketing

  • Gain access to mobile users

  • Gather market insights

Let’s be honest, doing social media advertisements is a bit costly. When you are starting out in your business, it is good practice to invest however when you’re starting out it is best to try organic reach first.


Here are 5 ways on how you can do organic reach :


1. Consider following influencers in your industry. For example, if you’re a financial adviser, follow other financial advisers in your industry. If you’re a life coach, try to connect with other life coaches.


2. Once you’ve started following them, interact with the material they share online. Comment on it, repost it, and share it with your own followers. Try to develop relationships and simply be part of the conversation that’s happening.


3. Additionally, consider being part of groups that are related to your industry. Both Facebook and LinkedIn have robust group features, and there are literally millions of groups about every subject imaginable. When you join a group, focus on adding value, not promoting yourself.


4. As you follow influencers in your industry and take part in groups, take note of the valuable information that others are sharing. What sorts of posts do others share that resonate deeply with you? This is the kind of content that you want to be sharing with your audience.


5.In addition to joining online groups, there are also several platforms that focus heavily on answering questions that are posed by users. For example, Quora lets any user post a question and then other users try to answer that question.


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